6530 Al Qamra, Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh 12342 Saudi Arabia
for the second semester of the academic year 1446 AH - 2025 AD.
For both boys' and girls' sections (National Track and American Diploma Track).
Thinking-Based Learning is a process that makes classrooms student-centered and enhances education, in contrast to teacher-centered classrooms where students receive information and memorize rules by heart without understanding them.
Our school introduced the International Program in response to the desire of many parents and in alignment with TIS objectives. We officially launched the American Diploma program in the academic year 2011-2012, equipping it with all necessary resources and a highly qualified foreign educational and administrative staff to achieve the highest levels of performance. The adoption of the International Program does not mean abandoning the teaching of Arabic, Islamic studies, and Social Sciences at a high level of proficiency. The Arabic program constitutes approximately 30% of the curriculum, as per the MOE requirements.
Our school's partnership with the Mawhiba Foundation began years ago, in 2010, with the partnership agreement being renewed every three years. Over more than a decade, Mawhiba students in our schools have achieved numerous accomplishments and received outstanding certificates and awards at both local and international levels.